Serge likes Duterte’s numbers in surveys

by Chito A. Fuentes

No less than Sen. Sergio Osmena III likes the survey results of Mayor Rodrigo Duterte.
Sources who refused to be named said Osmena, a season campaign strategist, himself presented recent survey results showing Duterte’s rising numbers in a recent meeting held at the senator’s residence.
The sources declined to be named because they were not authorized to speak for the mayor.
“Sen. Osmena himself showed the survey results to Mayor Duterte when he invited the latter to his house,” one source revealed.

The front-runner and the man behind the survey (Esquire photo)
During that meeting, Osmena told Duterte that the mayor’s survey results are “very good”.
“Mayor Duterte is very strong in Moslem areas where he received 47%,” another source intimated.
Aside from being the only presidential timber from Mindanao, Duterte has also earned the respect of various Muslim groups in his previous dealings with them both in his official and personal capacity.
Duterte has direct access to Moro National Liberation Front founding chairman Nur Misuari, former Cotabato Mayor Muslimin Sema who heads a separate faction and Macapanton Abbas.
He has open lines to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and other splinter organizations.
A third source revealed that the survey results showed Duterte posting a phenomenal 90% approval rating in Southern Mindanao which is considered the mayor’s bailiwick.
These figures prompted Osmena to join the growing list of people urging Duterte to join the presidential race.
Without elaborating, Duterte acknowledged the meeting with Osmena and the impressive survey results in a recent gathering of relatives in Dumaguete.
“Serge Osmena invited me to his house,” the mayor confided to his audience in Bethel Hotel which included members of the local media.
Duterte said Osmena was trying to convince him by showing him the survey results.
“Ang iyang ingon gwapo ang ako kay taas kaayo ko (He said that mine was good because I rated very high),” Duterte recalled Osmena telling him.
The mayor said he felt awkward to admit it but Osmena told him he scored very high in his region.
Osmena’s attempt to convince Duterte is significant because the senator is a close confidant of Sen. Grace Poe.
He was credited for running Poe’s successful campaign in 2013 and was conceded to take charge in the event that she pushes through with her bid for a higher office. 
While he had previously declared that his decision not to run is “final”, Duterte admitted to his relatives that he might just be obliged “if there is a moral crisis”, generating applause from his audience.
Former Dumaguete Mayor Felipe Antonio Remollo, himself reported to be eyeing his old post, organized the reunion.
When he introduced Duterte, Remollo joked that there is “no truth to the rumor that the next reunion will be in Malacanang”.
Responding to this near the end of his talk, Duterte said “basig madayon to nga ang sunod nga meeting adto na sa Malacanang (just maybe this will materialize that the next meeting will be in Malacanang).
This is music to the ears of never-say-die Duterte rooters. (CHITO A. FUENTES)
Catandunganons appreciate Duterte’s commitment “He braved inclement weather for listening tour”

Catandunganons appreciate Duterte’s commitment “He braved inclement weather for listening tour”

VIRAC, Catanduanes - Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte made a risk amidst a brewing storm when he decided to push through with the last leg of his ‘Listening Tour’ scheduled Sunday, July 5, at Plaza Rizal in Virac, this province.
Despite flight cancellations made by major air transportation companies  Philippine Airlines (PAL) and Cebu Pacific Airways (CebPac) due to inclement weather, the city mayor  made a heroic deed which local residents appreciated when he arrived at 2pm on the same day.
He hopped on a light aircraft to transport him and his entourage to Virac to fulfill a promise to be with the thousands of people waiting for him. 
He was met at the airport by local government officials led by Gov. Araceli Wong, some municipal mayors, members of the clergy, non-governmental organizations  and the Bicol Federalism Movement group headed by provincial convenor, lawyer Susan Ordinario.
The weather was uncooperative, with typhoon signals of tropical storm “Egay” hoisted by PAG ASA over parts of Northern Luzon.  
Egay triggered heavy rains and gusty winds along the Eastern Seaboard of Luzon including Catanduanes.  Sea transportation from mainland Bicol was suspended by the authorities but the inclement weather did not stop Duterte from pursuing the trip. 
Meanwhile, Dante Jimenez of the Bicol Autonomy Movement (BAM), together with other federalism advocates were on-board the Cebu Pacific flight to Virac on the same day but  were not able to make it to Catanduanes when aircrafts bound for the island province were advised to return to Manila due to the prevailing weather conditions. 
Duterte has been going around the country for the past few months to push for a federal system of government as an alternative to the present unitary presidential form.  He laid down the advantages which could be enjoyed by citizens outside of Metro Manila even while he listened to the people about their outlook on the issue.  
He took note of the major problems at hand and consolidated them
Duterte said he sees a brighter resolution to the various concerns presented should a federal system be put in place which will decentralize the system of governance in the country. 
BAM which is changing its name to ‘Bicol Federalism Movement (BFM)’ has been pushing through the years, for this advocacy which jives with the concept of ‘federalism’.
“With this development, BAM-BFM, as one group, supports the move for a federal form of government for the country. Aside from having a brighter prospect for peace in Mindanao, this federal system of governance will be greatly advantageous for the Regions,” said BAM regional convenor Jimenez.
He explained this in terms of retaining local resources to benefit first the local residents as against the present presidential system in which Manila decides for the regions as to who should be on top priority. 
“It will be a big factor in hastening progress in the provinces”, Jimenez declared. 

Duterte’s “crowning glory” is fighting crime in Davao

by Chito A. Fuentes

DUMAGUETE CITY - Mayor Rodrigo Duterte considers his fight against crime in Davao City the “crowning glory” of his political career.
“Davao used to be a very, very troubled place,” the mayor recalled, noting that at one time “two to three” policemen ended up dead every day.
Speaking before the Veloso clan reunion at Bethel Hotel in Dumaguete City Saturday, Duterte said he was pleased with what he has accomplished.
“Somehow, I was able to talk things out with everybody,” he added.

Mayor Duterte at the recent anniversary rites of the Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption (VACC) Photo by Roldan Gorgonio
When Duterte assumed as mayor in 1988, Davao City was considered the murder capital of Mindanao.
Under his watch, the peace and order situation vastly improved such that it was cited by crowd-sourced rating site as the 5th safest city in the world.
The successful turn-around has captured the imagination of many people alarmed over the worsening peace and order situation in the country.
Even after Duterte has unequivocally declared that he does not covet the presidency on many occasions, the clamor refuses to die down.
Duterte’s stock in fact continues to rise when he placed third behind Sen. Grace Poe and Vice Pres. Jejomar Binay in the latest Pulse Asia survey.
Duterte himself admitted that many people are pushing him to run particularly people from Mindanao.
He acknowledged that everywhere he goes, local officials tell him the no. 1 problem is illegal drugs.
His track record in the fight against crime is one reason why many people continue to pin their hopes on Duterte despite his disavowals. 
“Let me make this clear: if you go to my city and do drugs, I will kill you,” he told his audience. 
He has said this many times, indicating his fixation to combat this social menace.
Duterte appeared unimpressed with the present crop of presidential aspirants particularly in fighting crime.  
“If you look at the political landscape, it is arid land,” he added.
Insisting that he is now tired after being mayor for a long time, Duterte said he has done what he set out to do at the start of his political career.
“You can be proud that you have a relative you made things right,” he added.
Notwithstanding his previous pronouncements, many people are optimistic the mayor can be prevailed upon to make things right on a national scale. (CHITO A. FUENTES)