Country needs Duterte as President, not as VP

I think the offer of VP Jojo Binay for Mayor Rody Duterte to be his running mate in 2016 was a cheap gimmick.
Binay made the offer while he was in Davao, Duterte’s bailiwick. This means he was playing for the gallery where Duterte is so popular he was polling as much as 80% support to run as President.
It is obvious Binay wants Duterte out of the way as a rival for the presidency.
Binay also made the gesture after senator Grace Poe rejected the same offer.
It is very clear Binay is the only presidentiable who has been offering every Pedro, Maria and Juan to be his VP. And every Pedro, Maria and Juan has rejected his overtures.
Duterte is no doubt a formidable team mate for the 2016 elections. But excuse me, not as No. 2. Duterte has plenty of times been offered to join the cabinet, to run as senator and as VP. He has politely turned all these offers for various reasons.
His current standing as one of the top choices for President is a truly different matter. I believe he is on a mission to help transform and bring real change to our country. He can only do that if he is the No. 1 leader of the nation, not a spare tire like a VP.
The country needs the kind of leadership Duterte possesses, gained from long years of clean public service as fiscal, as local chief executive and as legislator – firmness, courage, compassion.
The Filipino people deserve a leader like him to be President, certainly not as VP.

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